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Hi! People.
Welcome to my new blog on every business is a business. There are a few things I have gained in my business experience till date which I would like to share with the hidden internet peepers. I might not have yet made the complete empire of business but I have learned the main tactics which are required to make the empire I have or you have in dreams. I am not too old but does that not mean I am a young guy still kicking my bad experiences away from my head. All examples will be about my business because I am basically writing this blog to build traffic to my website. I hope this is the best I am writing till date.
What starts a business: Right, Let me start with how the chain link idea came into my reign of ideas. First, we are poultry equipment manufacturers from India. CHAKRA poultry equipment is the name of our company. Now, we supply all the equipment required for poultry farming in India.
Slowly we have increased our field of working with other nations which include Africa, Asia, and Europe. We could not actively reach our products to the USA to date being the USA is full of Chinese. Even though the Americans know that the Chinese are the cheap makers of anything, they accept it because it is cheap in China. We shall sure look at the USA in the next few years where we start educating the people that the best Asian are the Indian. However, the topic goes back. My business has been increasing in India and the other nations and it has developed to be an empire. Now, it is a fruitful business but it is a business of my family. The whole family shares the fruit.
The good worm: Now, this piece of fruit I get is not very appreciative for me. I needed the bigger piece but everyone gets an equal amount of fruit. This is where I wanted a business of my own. Then have I started seeking and tapping into the scope or potentiality our business has other than the poultry business alone. We make poultry cages for chicken, water nipples for chicken, feeders for chicken and other poultry automation machinery. There were people who scared me saying that you might also collapse the pillar of the empire which my father has made. They said that your concentration shall divert to this work and your commitments and concentration in the poultry field will shrink. They told me that it is better for me to stay in the same business and not to divert. There were very few people, maybe 2 or three people who appreciated my idea, who applauded my dream and who encouraged me to start this business. One of those people was none other than my father. When you have taken an idea, see that you implement it. There are men and there are men of action is what he told me. And when you start something, finish it. How many have you started is not important, how many have you completed is what is very important he told. Then did I consider that this worm in my head to start a new business is a good worm and it will take me to the end.
We are ripe enough in the market. How can I make any of my pocket money from any of these products? Then comes in the chain link idea. We have a huge facility for manufacturing chain link. We can be ranked the number two or three in chain link manufacturing in our state or maybe the neighbours also. I am not very sure about the neighbours because we might be ranked 10 may be all put together. Now, what can I do with the chain link manufacturing facilities I have? I have a series of good suppliers also who jog as per my pace. Reason being, my payments are upfront and my selection is never compromised. So my suppliers know that I use the best wire for chain link fencing. They are sure what wire I take most often for which kind of chain link. So they have a generated wire stock for me at their warehouse every month so that they can supply the wire to me on time. Now comes in the quality of chain link I make. Every wire consignment that comes to my factory has a quality check. This is a very mandatory procedure to maintain the quality of my chain link manufacturing. Every coil and everything is checked. Not any machinery or apparatus check but a chemical check for the galvanized wire which I use for chain link. Chemical testing of the galvanized wire is the best least priced check available till date.
Well explained my chain link quality and chain link manufacturing facilities, I thought that taking the chain link solutions into the commercial market would be a good idea.
That's because chain link and barbed wire are often used for fencing in many applications these days. Then started my adventure.
Dream: I booked a website on the net saying fencingIndia. That's because I had a big dream. Whoever wanted to fence in India has to come to me. That's how big I dreamed. Having a dream is not an offence I hope. Then did I plan for the website design, then a few flash players here and there and then the literature and then the website was launched. I then ran to my father and showed him the website. Photo of chain link in the general market and beauty. He told me it looks childish. I do not look mature. It did not discourage me but then I again started working on my own website designing and doing the planning etc. Then came the now existing www.fencingindia.co.in. Then again I ran to my father for an opinion and he told me that it was not bad but doesn't mean that it was good. He right then told me that this will need some cosmetics and a few literature additions here and there again. Actually to be honest this was a two-step development for me. I first released the site and went to my father. He said that it was childish. Not too much matured. I then took what he told me and changed the look to be a little better. In fact, I told my web developers working for me to take the decision of a good website. Actually, my current website's if any credits go to them because of the way they made it look good. They made it that good if you feel it is. I shall reveal their name Rapidinfo. That's also found at the bottom right corner of my webpage. They are pretty good developers. Hurdles: Now, the website started attracting a few customers. But not all customers who called would give me an order. I was just sitting there giving information and the price of chain link to whoever called me. I was a little upset about that. I did not know what to be done. Fucking everyone calls me about what is the price of chain link, what is the size of chain link and to the worse, there were situations where I had to explain all the reasons and specifications of chain link. I knew very confidently that these will never mature to orders but I was kind enough to clear them with all the fake information they had about chain link. I also used to scold them parallel in my mind but still answered their silly chain link questions. But I knew that this was not the way I can grab more business. Divine guidance: Then comes in the godfather of such situations. My father. When I went to him and asked him what could be done in this situation, he told me just offer them a standard chain link. Not to sit there and answer their questions about chain link and fencing solutions. Make a standard chart of chain link and fencing accessories. This shall solve your trouble. They will get educated about chain link when they see the chart. And he also told me that fencing for house and fencing for land either a small portion or a big portion has a lot of potential in the Indian business model. It does not seem big but just like the tip of the rock popping out of the mud, there is a very big rock hidden under the ground. Just like this is the chain link requirement for small portions of property and lands. They come in multiples. My father also told me to keep them ready for just a pick and go and they shall all be gone in a few days and then there will come a situation where I might have to keep manufacturing them to keep supplying. Kids will be kids: Well, those were his words a year ago. Like all the boys do, I never paid much attention to these words. That's because I could not see what he saw. That also may be because he is a neodymium ion boron magnet attracting all the poultry farmers to him but I was just a magnetized piece of iron attracting small pieces of iron to me. I also wanted to be a magnet like him. But the route a magnet gave me didn't look like becoming a powerful magnet then. Believe me, till date 10/01/2016(dd/mm/yyyy) I have not one chart of my chain link products or chain link prices. Let the blog go on and you will see when is this step placed in the future.
The dog called luckily: However, a few people came to me asking for chain link fence here and there. Then I supplied chain link to these people and became happy with the small kind of earnings. My first chain link project was agricultural fence. This was somewhere in then Andhra Pradesh now Telangana in India. It was a farmer who could not spend much on his property fencing. He had a fixed budget but he was in a situation where he was not able to decide on what should he go for. There are many fencing solution providers in the market whose price for fencing was pretty low than my prices but he was also in confusion that there might be quality fencing solutions which he is not able to find. Then, he found me on the internet where he called me and was surprised to hear answers to all his questions. A pinch better me: Usually, the market people don't answer all the questions people ask them. That could be because of three reasons.
1. Frustration: People in the market selling are frustrated because they keep answering so many people from the morning about what is the price of chain link. They get frustrated by the time this exact prospective customer calls him. Then comes the same kind of answer saying, A for Apple B for ball and C for call cut. This is what triggers the customer not to call him again.
2. Hope: The person sitting in the chain link business has seen say a hundred customers every day who call him and visit him for chain link fencing. But the orders that come say one in every 3 days or four days. The quantum of chain link business that comes those three days are also enough to run his business alone but not to earn him a car or more than those. This is when the hope slows down slowly and then he starts losing hope and attracts towards him the less prospective customers.
3. Education: The people who are sitting at one shop in the market with two or three machines in their factory are less educated and less thinkable of the potential of chain link fencing. This is the reason their pattern of answering is also not very appealing to callers. They just answer the question but do not increase their conversation to talk to the customer more about their range of products or their capabilities. There are even situations where the market people don't even know the grades of chain link quality available in the world. Apart from these three reasons why people in the market do not answer properly about chain link fencing is the quality they have. They are sure that there is a higher quality of chain link fencing. They only maintain the cheap quality chain link which is not any better than three months is what even they know. That is the reason they know that the good quality seekers of chain link do not come to the market. Oops! The farmer gave me the order. But a small order which came out of luck maybe.
India vs cheap: Now, quality is a fever which has just come to India. Cheap was a positive word before a year or two in India. I am not sure about the westerners and the easterners. People used to seek cheap products in India. Recently, after globalization has started, 1/1000th of the people has started searching quality products. But when people have become a little educated and more given the global exposure from somewhere 2015, 10/1000 people are looking for quality products. Now the fever has gone up and probably 25/1000 people are looking for quality in India. The good fever of quality is good and is growing in India which is advantageous to both the country and for themselves. Well, this is the same situation with chain link also. Chain link for power plants and the fencing solution for power plant is now a growing trend with the number of solar power plants being to increase in number. The power plant fence should last for 20 years minimum because this is a huge investment. When the solar power plant fencing is not done with proper quality or with the proper expertise, the fencing gets flat in say 5 years or maybe less. When this happens, the executing company will have to invest a whole lot of amount for fencing again. This is why quality is the first priority in fencing products for power plants. I shall explain more about this section in "extending into the solar power plant fencing side".
The basic start:
Extending into the boundary fence division: Now, the first few projects that came to me we boundary fencing for a farm or land. India you all know is a place which is full of encroachments.8 among 10 properties in India are involved in encroaching court cases. To fight these cases even legally takes may be years in couples to prove that our property is ours. The best way to keep away this trouble is by fencing property with the most economical fencing solution. The most economic fencing solutions are barbed wire fencing and chain link fencing. Barbed wire fencing is as everybody knows the weakest or leanest fencing solution. The boundary is covered with barbed wire but the trouble is it is as easy to remove a barbed wire fencing as easy as it is to install it. Not many people who took barbed wire fencing are happy with their boundary fencing. The reason is that it is not uniform, it is not looking good, it can be intruded with the least effort. And the situation in India is that people do not completely know how to choose the best wire even if they are paying the same price they could get a super good wire. They just go with the words of the person whoever is suggesting them the wire. Just like the doctor. If the doctor said that we have cancer. We have cancer. Even if he has concluded the reports after seeing a wrong test report. The person whoever is selling the barbed wire is trying to push his low-grade wire into the market and people don't or can't judge the best wire and they are done with it. Obviously, the barbed wire you have purchased is the inferior wire and then the wire is spoiled or rusted in say 4 months. There are some cases where the wire gets rusted in say 2 months after purchase. And when you go to the supplier, he says you have asked for the quality of wire when you were purchasing it. This might have cost them say 1000$ and they don't want to invest 1000$ again to get their property looking good so they compromise and continue remaining a low quality. Compromise is a positive attribute in India but not in all situations is what the people will learn to say after 80 years of the country's independence may be.
The second best economic solution for fencing a boundary is chain link fencing. The situation is the same for chain link fencing as well. The supplier is the judge and you have to buy what he has suggested you to. There are a few cases I came up with when there were customers who came to me inquiring about chain link. When I started explaining them about chain link and the wire for chain link, I obviously talk about the quality of chain link wire I am going to give them. When I utter the word 275 GSM chain link, they ask me what is 275 GSM. And then I start off explaining that this is the quality of wire I am going to use for the chain link I would be giving them. Why would they ask me what 275 GSM is when the other supplier might have talked to them about this. The other suppliers are silent or do not want to talk about the quality. The reason being when they talk about the quality of chain link they are supplying, they will have to accept it is a very inferior quality. People who come on the internet to buy chain link are well addressed about the quality of chain link and the quality of chain link wire because at least on my website it is clearly mentioned that I only can give them 275 GSM and nothing less than that because any chain link inferior to this quality would not last for 5 years. 275 GSM is a quality of chain link which will last for at least 20 years at the shore and 25 years and more in the drylands. Many chain link inquiries have matured in my website because I talk the truth about chain link. I do business with people fair which is why I do not have anything to hide.
Increasing scope:
Extending into the power project fencing side: When I was doing my chain link business in the general market, there was an inquiry which came to me where they were requesting fencing for the power plant. Now, usually chain link for power plants do not come under the small requirements section but they enroll into kilometers length of chain link. The reason being 1 MegaWatt of power requires 5 acres of land area. so 2 Mega Watts of solar power plant requires 9 acres not 10 acres of land. This keeps going like this deducting one acre of land for every 1 Mega Watt power plant. It is not a culture in India that anyone going for a power plant is going for more than 5 MegaWatts of energy production. The least power plant that came across is a 10 Mega Watt power plant. This site needed 2600 running meters of chain link. When I had this inquiry for solar power plant fencing, I requested them for what is the length etc. They gave me the measurement for the boundary to be fenced and I worked out the cost of chain link alone. Then they asked me if I could do the fencing posts and other accessories for fencing also. Then did I tell them that I will calculate and then give them the quote. I calculated the quote as a complete solution and gave them the price. They were super stunned to see my price the least in the market. Then they asked me how I could get such a good price and then I explained my working sheet to them. They were really impressed because the market people made a lot of advantage with the fabrication price. Markets usually impose 20Rs. per kilogram of fabrication because they need to buy many things for the manufacturing. They even need to rent out a big factory. I could only do the work for 11Rs. because I had a machine to complete the job in no time and then I had a factory with a high manufacturing capacity. I could make 1 km in 2 days which is a benchmark and dream to many others. Then did I get introduced into this solar power plant fencing industry. Now, the speed of my delivery and the quality of my make is unmatched because of various reasons. I have the high-end machinery to make this work better, I have a very efficient team who can complete this job without strain and I have a super big factory where I can keep the raw material and completed material without having to obstruct any of my other works. This is from where my leads in the solar power fencing grounds started.
Customers who were happy with my fencing material supplies and timely deliveries and the quality of fencing material I make referred my name to others and it kept going. My major customers were KEC, ACME, Aditya Rao and many other solar EPC contractors. They are super happy customers. They are returning with more and more projects which I have been able to satisfy them in every fencing order.
Increasing range:
Extending into the power project structure field: Now after I started supplying chain link fencing for power plants, now I had an idea. I thought that there might be even a future for the solar panel mounts. I had the machinery to make them. The same machinery which could make fencing posts can also be used to make solar panel mounting structures also. I got this idea recently and then I asked my customer to extract the price for the mounts also. They might not have read the email I sent them by now but I hope I shall even get this order from them soon. It's not too hard. Shall wait to see what unfolds.
Think different;
I have been seeing and comparing my website to many other websites of chain link fencing in India and abroad. I have been try
ing to implement all these advancements into my website also. I have been successful doing this for quite a little time but I wanted more of the website advancements and the way people looked at me. Now, when one of my friend Rajesh, was talking about a great person and his vision, Jack Ma, the founder of Alibaba, I was a little impressed by the way he thinks. He thinks for the community and his run is not against competitors but along with the competitors. Then after I went to my room and saw some videos of him on youtube. Then was I little impressed and wanted to think in his way. Then came the ideas of e-commerce on my website. It was not just Jack Ma's ideas which impressed me but also it was my father's persuasion who suggested me to keep some inventory ready to give it away to the customer when requested. When the time is cut down and people are made lazy by not thinking more than what I can offer them or increasing their comfort and convenience, this is when they tend to place an order. Then I thought that I shall increase the comfort by introducing e-commerce where customers will learn about chain link and fencing products and know more about chain link. Then will their comfort also increase in selecting what they want? This way they shall start ordering online is my logic. They shall learn not to get cheated also. Right now, the e-commerce portal on my website is still being developed to give out the maximum. The pages were impressed by homedepot.com. The Americans are very informative. This is why I liked the homedepot.com portal for chain link products.
This is still where I am today with the chain link projects and fencing projects for power plants and also individuals.